Monday, October 28, 2013

A Moon(star) with two faces?

Some of the conspiracy theorists really don't seem to understand why they get so much attention. We present to you this example from Madisonstar Moon (Mad-I-Star-Moon), with the link directly under it.

Despite complaining about "deniers", which are often refered to us normal people as "rational people", and having constant hissy fits and saying we should all get off (her public figure) private page, she goes and posts a picture with the text: "OK deniers, explain this one away ...". We followed this with great interest and quickly noticed that the first couple of polite attempts to explain were promptly deleted. Then the next comments are met with very rude comments and something that can only be described as "aggression".

The person we see commenting here which is blacked out, is asked what he is paid to "harras" Madison. Dear little girl, please sit down with daddy and let him talk some sense in to you. YOU LITERALLY ASKED PEOPLE TO COMMENT! How do you conspiracy theorists like to say that again? "Wake up!"

Madisonstar loves to speak of the freedom of speech, but can't let people speak, even when she asked them to. I know, sometimes reality is harsh, but rational people are able to explain what is going on, using something magical named "science". Madisonstar is so detached from science, that at some point in the discussion she denies the existance of contrails.

Seems like someone needs to grow up a little, Madison. Freddie is right!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Russ Tanner's fairytale world

How we laughed and enjoyed ourselves with Russ Tanner's radio show. Yes, we knew we would get mention on his show, but to dedicate so much time was most generous. We had a good laugh at the failed attempt to deny every word we wrote and chuckled at the "conspiritard threats" that we always hear. Let’s have a look first at the core business of Tanner's rants before we discuss his hollow threat.

Russ Tanner:
- Makes unfounded accusations at the address of the government
- Makes unfounded accusations at critics of his delusions
- Thinks it is a crime to start a page about what he discusses on his page
- Thinks it is a crime to answer on any of his pages
- thinks he has a right to freedom of speech when and where he wants

Now, back to the threat made on his show, and let’s be honest; he is not the only conspiracy theorist who does this. At what point is going to a lawyer to sue all of us really going to help you? What does Russ Tanner think his case is?

- He believes we are "government paid shills" who do nothing all day but make accounts and harass delusional people
- He believes we are invading his online privacy
- He believes that this news agency, which posts stories here and then publishes a link to Facebook, is illegal
- He believes everyone is out to get him

Now really, Mr. Tanner, if any single one of those statements were true, then there would be a case, but apart from a sarcastic remark from some kid, you have nothing to back that statement.

See Russ, what you do is:
- Make false accusations like calling critics "shills"
- You believe we should stay silent, despite that we have freedom of speech and use it despite your attempts to silence us
- You believe that we are not entitled to use your publicly posted materials for reference material
- You accuse us of all types of things, except name us what we are. Rational!

Your show yesterday had what? 30 listeners? I would say at least half were us. Do you think the government hired 15 people to listen to your show? If I was the government and I wanted to shut you up, then there would be much easier tactics. I could assure that there is no internet service in your area. I could arrest you and detain you. And if there was such a thing as a chemtrail, then I could fluoride the hell out of your house and you would remain quiet.

Do we have special powers? Yes, we do! It is called rational thinking. That is why we constantly have the upper hand on you. The day you started silencing us as individuals, is the day we got smarter and "came with changing tactics". The fact is that you and other consiracy theorists resort to banning and deleting when your theory is debunked. Rather then face facts as they are, you prefer to live in a fantasy world and ban those that don't comply with your reality.
I will repeat it to you in different words: You are the censoring tyrant that tramples on the freedom of speech of your critics and you complain about the rebels who go underground to voice their opinions anyway!

To qoute you Russ Tanner: "To remain silent is to agree"

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Madisonstar Moon means what?

Madisonstar Moon pretends to be oblivious to the meaning of her chosen name. Born Amanda E. Williams she chose to adopt a pseudonym, but was this done in ignorance or do we have Illuminati symbolism shining through? The break up of the name Mad-I-Son-Star-Moon, still mean nothing? In Arabic the words moon and star become Hilal-Shahar, which is a dead ringer for Hebrew Hilal ben sahar, meaning cresent moon, son of the morning. Mentioned in the bible in Isaiah 14:12 translated Lucifer son of the morning. Mad (angry or crazy) I (am) son (of the) star (morning), moon. a direct symbolic reference to satanism and unsevered family ties to the illuminati.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

And if you get debunked, just delete the post

Surely people don't fall for the nonsense of Madisonstar Moon. Plain proof she knows she is lying is in the pictures below. We followed this with great interest, as both Madison and Bruce were debunked. Instead of revising their opinion based on presented evidence, Madison deleted the post. Yes, of  course we have screenshots of this embarrassing moment.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Russ Tanner and why conspiracy theorist are dangerous mental patients

One person on our radar for quite some time is a man named Russ Tanner. Although he might look like a harmless tinfoil hat man and his profile is squeeky clean, this is only a recent event. This man claims a university education from the United Electronics Institute in Tampa Florida. Although we have been able to track it on the website of the Florida Department of Education, it is not listed as a university, but as a "post secondary institution".

However this man's career in electronics is not the worrying part, but rather he chose the profession of "a self proclaimed doctor" and although now his page Herb Allure, inc. is cleaned up, it was full of miracle cures. Although most of them being the ineffective homeopathic type, the worrying part was the claims of cures for imaginary deceases. Still not worrying? Well, just think of what might happen if someone would have a serious condition, but only feels minor effects of this, would run in to Mr. Tanner and would be convinced that it is just chemtrail posoining and would take one of these homeopathic miracle cures. The real underlying issue would never be found due to "Dr. Tanner's miracle chemtrail elixer" and the person could ultimately die, because of a qauck educated in electronics.

Surely it could not be worse? Well, you are wrong. Russ Tanner is so submerged in pseudo-science, that he is a eugenics enthusiast. Untill a few months ago, his page was filled with messages of white supremecy and other nonsense. Although we see little of it in his online business, or his client generating Facebook page Chemtrails Global Skywatch where he can scare people untill they will buy his miracle cures, we were reading it loud and clear on his personal profile. Russ Tanner doesn't only hate people of color, but also has the less original hobby of hating Jews.

Overall the rating on Russ Tanner is "dangerous", because of the combination of ideologies, delusions  and something we can't describe as anything other then "a scam". In the world of conspiracy theorists a "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" is common, but here we came up with the new term "Dr. Mengele/Mr. Heil".

Another attempt at creating panic over nothing

Here again is another attempt by Madisonstar Moon, to create fear by posting pictures of normal objects that most people are not commonly exposed to. How to do this? First look for a general purpose industrial machine, then post on your conspiracy theory page and never explain what it really is. Below pictures are of 2 posts on Madisonstar Moon's page and the others of reverse searches that explain what they are. Quite a childish game! For those of you reading her page, please do your research, as she is always talking about. This is called fear mongering.

First two:

second two

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How Madisonstar Moon and Robert Bruce Norton Jr "do research"

Not a trait of these two per se, but for conspiracy theorists in general, most of their arguments rest on pictures that are "clear evidence", or so they say. For instance a "chemtrail" would scientifically be proven by taking a sample and having it labtested and compared to samples of places where there are no perceived chemtrails. One could even try and recreate a contrail with an aeroplane and search options from there.

However, in the world of the conspiracy theorist this is not how evidence works. It is easier to google something, then change the picture, so reverse search doesn't work, and hope your readers are gullible enough to believe the story, because of the evidence, without ever examening the evidence. One of the most painful versions of this has recently surfaced. It starts with this picture which Robert Bruce Norton Jr shared from Madisonstar Moon's page. Clear evidence, right?

Well, not really. This picture was taken from google and recropped to make it impossible to find reverse image search. If one takes a moment and realises what this really is, then the question of this evidence can be seriously doubted. Aluminum fluoride is a common chemical used for processing aluminium and hence is not an unusual sight in commercial trading. This picture was taken from a Chinese trading page:

This is kind of on the dishonest side, but not yet a lie. When we see Robert Bruce Norton Jr reply to this, we don't only see a blatent lie, but also the lack of intelligence to recrop the picture. When we reverse search this picture we find another Chinese trading site. This time it is not even the correct product. Far from being aluminum fluoride, this is actually caustic soda and can be purchased for only $560.

Now we don't advise you to handle caustic soda without the proper protective gear, but it is used in the textile, oil, cleaning and beauty industries, but is also used in a wide variety of food preperation. Without this chemical there would be no more softdrinks, icecream, olives, hominy grits, or Chinese noodles.

Seriously people, if you are going to listen to these two telling you to "do your research", then please actually look in to their odd fear tactics, based on a picture from an industrial wholesaler from China.